Friday, December 27, 2019
The Progressive Era Of The 19th Century - 1463 Words
Maya Stepansky Mr. Meyer Progressive Era DBQ Toward the latter part of the 19th century, bustling America, in response to the trends of industrialization and urbanization that characterized its Gilded Age, began its new century by entering into a new historical/political epoch that came to be known as the Progressive Era. This distinctive period in history (spanning from the 1890s through 1920) found progressives seeking to use the American federal government as a means of change through social, political, and economic reforms. Politically, the passage of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments are evidence of the success of progressive reformers, despite the fact that some of the new laws failed to create desired social changes. The efforts of the progressives were mainly effective when it came to social reforms related to worker’s rights and child labor, but less productive in attaining improved civil rights for African-American citizens. In addition, the government was, to a large extent, successful in the establ ishment of economic reforms to aid the working class, such as those enforced by Woodrow Wilson’s â€Å"Triple Wall of Privilege†; however, President Roosevelt’s famous anti-trust efforts were ultimately not far-reaching enough at the time to eliminate all problematic corporate monopolies and related corruption. During the Progressive Era, political reforms were effectively executed on the national level through the passage of Constitutional amendments. IndeedShow MoreRelatedThe Progressive Era During The 19th Century1195 Words  | 5 PagesThe Progressive Era was social activism and political reform between the 1890s and 1920s. The reformers of the Progressive Era tried to help the corrupt government, improve the not so great economic state for lower and middle class and immigrants, and invoke social change. The reformers were also very effective of making the problems of the 19th century known in America. 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